Hi!This are the new trend of bracelets!(:
Elastic Bracelets
Although that do not look like bracelets,they are.They are elastic bracelets of colours.
When you put them on they look like elastics bands of colours and when you take them off they become shapes of things.
The most popular shape of that bracelets are animals.I think that are very childish.But that bracelets they are very common in teenagers.
Thats are ones of my elastic bracelets,I have 20, but I don't like so much my elastic bracelets,their shapes are so strange.The price is 30 Cents,twelve bracelets.
Bracelets with accessories
That is other type of bracelets. I like more that than elastic bracelets.That bracelets consist that you put another accessorie when something especial happens to you and if you have something to remember you put.I thing that are so nice (:
Bye pashion readers!See you soon! (: